On November 19, 2018, US Department of Labor published a new Form 9035/9035E, Labor Condition Application (LCA), which must be filed and certified prior to filing any H-1B, H-1B1 or E-3 petition.
The new form requires the additional information of the worksite addresses, aside from the employer’s address and legal business name of the employer, as well as the legal business name of the third-party client site.
Otherwise, there is nothing new, except for H-1Bs where the employee has a US masters degree. For cases in which the beneficiary is qualifying as a US masters degree holder, the new form requires the employer to complete separate form, Appendix A, which requests: 1) the name of the university that awarded the beneficiary’s masters degree; 2) the field of study, or major; 3) the date of the masters degree; and documentation.